April showers bring May flowers and allergies!


Most pet owners aren’t aware their best friends can also suffer from seasonal allergies just like them. They are just as susceptible to the horrible feeling pollen and other allergens cause. But just like we have options to help combat that stuffy feeling, there are many things you as a pet owner can do to help minimize and eliminate the effects of your furry companion’s condition.


Keep reading to find out what to look for and what you can do to help!


What are some common dog allergy symptoms?

Allergy symptoms in animals don’t always involve issues with the respiratory tract like it does for us. While they aren’t common, they do occur and animals can display the typical coughing, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. The most common form of allergy among pets is allergic dermatitis – a condition where the skin becomes inflamed and irritated. The most important thing for pet owners to understand is that it is very uncomfortable. The skin becomes very itchy, excessive chewing and scratching can occur and if the cycle continues, the skin will become inflamed and tender. Other signs include open sores, scabbing and even hair loss; in extreme cases, hot spots can develop as well. Though more common in dogs than cats, hot spots occur when the natural bacteria inundates an area of skin.

Another form of bacterial reactions to allergies is a yeast infection in the ears; dogs especially suffer from this. Normally if an infection is present clear detection is easy due to discharge and odor. Other signs include head shaking, scratching and possibly hair loss around the ears. Often times the infection will manifest on the paws as well.

The more exposure your pet has to the allergens they’re allergic to, the longer the allergic response will be.


dog allergy symptoms

“Ohh that’s the spot!” Ear scratching is a common behavior seen in dogs with seasonal allergies.

What are some natural home remedies for dog allergies?

Since seasonal allergies depend on environmental allergens, heavy outdoor exposure will have your pet taking cover! It doesn’t mean they can’t and shouldn’t enjoy the great weather ahead because of this. The solution to help combat those uncomfortable itches calls for common sense remedies.

Any doctor will tell their human patients to shower at night and in the morning to remove any allergens or pollen. The same goes for your furry friend. Foot soaks and baths are a great and holistic method for managing their condition. Baths give immediate relief to itchy skin and wash away any pollen on the coat.  Foot soaks help reduce what your pet tracks into the house.

Tip: Mix in some coconut oil into the bath and soaks for added relief. Coconut oil contains lauric acid that helps reduce production of yeast.


Common sense is the best thing for helping your best friend through allergy season so this next one is a no-brainer!


Keep your home clean! Animals track in all kinds of goodies when they have their outdoor sessions. They are in direct contact with most allergy-causing elements such as grass, trees, weeds, etc. Regular vacuuming, washing pet bedding and cleaning floors is a great way to keep their environment allergy free!


Dog allergy remedies

“Running wild through the weeds!” Enjoy the spring wildflowers with your pets, just make sure to use our advice on how to limit allergen exposure once back indoors!

Do I need to notify my dog walker about my dog’s seasonal allergies?

Yes! When you hire a dog walking company like Canine Concierge LLC, they are always looking out for you and your dog’s best interests.  If you make your dog walker or pet sitter aware that your dog has been suffering from allergy symptoms, they can make sure to take precautions such as wiping down paws when coming in from outside, brushing out your dog’s coat or even administering allergy medication when needed.  When boarding your allergy-prone dog overnight or for an extended period, always pack a supply of allergy medication or a sensitive-coat shampoo.  You never know when allergy symptoms might “blossom!”


Do you have at-home remedies to share? Tips or stories? We’d love to hear them! Comment below.